Let'ss Talk

How to Upgrade Your Kitchen Sink Plumbing

Having working kitchen sink plumbing is one of the most important aspects of a productive home. Kitchen sinks allow us to have family dinners, host dinner parties, and prepare our favorite foods, but its usefulness tends to go unnoticed. That is until something goes wrong, and the bill for its repair shows up. Pipes can easily [ … ]

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What Does it Take to Become a Plumber in Toronto

Plumbing is not only a vital part of modern-day architecture, it ranks high in importance with regard to jobs as a whole. Think about it, without clean water society is virtually helpless. Whether civilized or primitive, next to air water is by far the most important element on earth. Man can survive without cars, malls, and clothing. In fact, mankind can [ … ]

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How to Install a Faucet in the Kitchen

1-      Prepare the Area & Have your Tools Ready Before you start the removal or installation process, get the area ready for your DIY project. Clear out all contents underneath your kitchen sink and make sure there is enough space to work. As well, make sure to have a towel and bucket ready for any leakage [ … ]

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How to Choose a Plumber

[heading]5 Things to Look for and Why they Matter[/heading] The internet has made it easier than ever to choose a service professional such as an electrician, a roofer or a plumber. However, it still pays to take your time when making the final selection. Here are a few helpful things to look for when you need [ … ]

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How to Deal with a Plumbing Emergency

A plumbing emergency can happen at any moment, causing plenty of damage to your home and valuables. The truth of the matter is that damage can easily be avoided through preparation and some simple tips and tricks. Below is a breakdown of some of our most effective precautionary and mitigation methods.

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Fixing Common Plumbing Problems

Did you know that some of the most common plumbing issues can be simply and effectively remedied on your own? While it’s good to have the name and contact information of a reliable plumber when emergencies, big jobs, and renovation projects come along, the average homeowner can take care of a few simple jobs around the [ … ]

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5 Reasons Why Your Toilet is Leaking

So, your toilet is leaking and you’ve got a little bit of water pooling around the toilet bowl in your bathroom. No big deal, right? Wrong. While at first glance a bit of excess water doesn’t seem like a serious issue, it could indicate the beginning of a fairly expensive repair project. Leaks trapped beneath the [ … ]

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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes can become a very expensive endeavor, a lesson many unfortunate homeowners have learned the hard way. As water freezes, it expands and puts pressure on the pipes that it is contained in, which can lead to splitting and bursting. Apart from the expense associated with replacing your plumbing, the water that escapes causes significant [ … ]

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