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7 Clogged Shower Drain Solutions That You Can Try

A clogged shower drain is not difficult to fix, but you need to have some necessary plumbing expertise to pull off this feat. The good news is that even if you have never unclogged a shower drain before, you can quickly learn about the mechanics. Most clogged shower drain solutions are relatively straightforward to perform if [ … ]

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Plastic Pipes vs. Copper Pipes

In the majority of cases, the pipes that run through your home are either made of plastic or copper. Many homeowners never give a second thought to what type of material the pipes are made of, but if you are faced with the need to repipe your home, it is a good idea to know if [ … ]

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7 Common Causes of Kitchen Sink Leaking

The kitchen sink is the most used area in any household. It can be used to wash dishes, to fetch a cup of water, or to fill a coffee carafe, among many other practical uses. Having a leak in your kitchen sink is a frustrating experience, since it hinders the central functions of the kitchen. When [ … ]

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6 Tips on How to Fix a Clogged Toilet Quickly

A blocked toilet comes with the horror of the water level in the toilet bowl rising and spilling its content all over. When this happens, the worst mistake you can make is to flush the toilet again and again, which never works. Instead, take time to inspect if there is water backing up the sinks or [ … ]

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