The Importance of Hiring a Licensed Company with Registered Plumbers


When it comes to any kind of plumbing work being done on your home, improper installations can cause significant property damage, which can become a health risk to you and your family. That’s why it’s pertinent to hire a skilled and qualified plumber to work on your pipes.

The best way to assure safe and professional services is to work with a licensed company with registered plumbers. Even though it can be easy to assume the person you’ve hired is legitimate, it’s always a good rule of thumb to ask for proof.

Difference Between Licensed and Unlicensed Plumbers

The differences between a licensed professional vs unlicensed is wide-ranging, and hiring the right type of plumber for your project(s) could end up saving you a lot of headache and money in the long run.

To start, a registered plumber must first become an apprentice in the trade to receive full accreditation. Completing an apprenticeship means the professional-to-be needs to meet a certain amount of hours and pass an exam prior to working as a full-time plumber. Not only are all apprentice plumbers taught the safety precautions, laws and business specifications for the job, but licensed plumbers are required to comply with on-going education about new products and methods of the practice.

Additionally, if you’re working with a registered plumber, you’ll have peace of mind that they will have:

o   Passed a criminal background check

o   Filed a business name and or are working for a licensed company

o   Completed any additional training required

o   Have commercial liability insurance protection

This means if an accident happens or something unexpected occurs during an installation or repair, a qualified, registered plumber can be held accountable. On the other hand, when dealing with an unlicensed plumber, there’s no guarantee that the contractor has completed any of the aforementioned requirements or essential training to do a good job.

Property Assessment Protection

Keep in mind that sometimes you might need a permit to start certain plumbing repair jobs on your property. As a home owner, you’ll likely want to save yourself time and trouble from searching for the proper documents. Hiring a registered plumber means you’ll have your property assessed correctly and documents taken care of.

Injury Protection

All registered plumbers have to be insured, which means if an injury occurs during a repair job, you won’t be liable to pay any medical expenses and the hired plumber won’t be able to sue you. Your home will also be compensated should any damages happen while a plumber is working onsite. Often times, unlicensed contractors don’t hold this type of insurance, or insurance at all, which means you and your family are not protected from accidents.

Third Party Damage Protection

In some cases, if you have neighbors right next door, plumbing repairs can end up affecting or damaging your neighbor’s property. If you’re working with an unregistered plumber, chances are you’ll be held liable if an accident happens. On the flip side, licensed plumbers are insured for these kinds of mishaps and an insurance company will compensate for any damages incurred.

Looking for a qualified plumber? We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us today!