4 Warning Signs of Clogged Kitchen Sink Drain

4 Warning Signs of Clogged Kitchen Sink Drain

A clogged drain is a nuisance faced by many homeowners. Minor clogs may lead to the slow draining of water, but the problem can quickly escalate until your sink is unusable. When a kitchen sink becomes severely clogged, you’ll have trouble cleaning dishes, washing hands, or completing household chores. You should repair the clogged kitchen sink drain right away to avoid further inconveniences.

If your sink isn’t draining correctly, scoop out any standing water and dispose of it down another drain. With minor clogs, plunging your sink may successfully dislodge any debris. For more severe cases, it’s time to call in the professionals. Enlisting the help of a certified plumber will fix the clogged kitchen sink quickly. Plus, the plumber can inspect the pipe network and help you avoid significant problems in the future.

Here are the four warning signs of a clogged kitchen sink drain:

Sign #1: Food debris in clogged kitchen sink

Sign #1 - Food debris in clogged kitchen sink

Have you ever run your dishwasher and noticed food particles left in your sink afterward? The food debris might indicate a clog somewhere in your plumbing system. The most likely culprit is your garbage disposal unit, an appliance prone to breakdowns from time to time.

When your garbage disposal becomes blocked, the food remains can be pushed back up the drain. Subsequently, it ends up in your kitchen sink. If you suspect this problem, inspect your garbage disposal unit for any potential signs of a clog. Cleaning out your garburator will usually solve this issue. However, you should take care of it as soon as possible to prevent problems further down the road.

Sign #2: Foul smell in clogged kitchen sink

Sign #2 - Foul smell in clogged kitchen sink

A clogged kitchen sink drain will emit a foul odour. Sewer gases use the plumbing network to navigate safely away from your home. If there is a clog somewhere, the gas has nowhere to go but flow back up your pipes. The gas comes with an overpowering stench that can fill your kitchen.

The type of smell will help determine why the kitchen sink is completely clogged. If the odour smells like sour milk, the cause is likely some old flood blocking the drain or clogging the garburator. If your kitchen smells more like rotten eggs or raw sewage, you may be dealing with a bigger problem. You should consult the help of a residential plumber to solve the issue.

Sign #3: Slow draining water in clogged kitchen sink

Sign #3 - Slow draining water in clogged kitchen sink

When you pull the plug from your kitchen sink, does the water drain exceptionally slowly? If your sink has always been slow to drain, this may be due to the type of plumbing. However, if you notice a sudden change in the speed your sink drains, it might indicate you have a clog. The blockage could be due to a build-up of food particle grease. Likewise, there might be a foreign object stuck in your pipes.

If you suspect your kitchen sink may be clogged, there are solutions. Boil a kettle of water and pour it directly down your drain. Use extra care not to splash any water, putting you at risk for burns. The boiling water can help remove any sludge lining your pipes or debris blocking the water flow.

Alternatively, you may use a vinegar and baking soda mixture to clear the clogged kitchen sink drain. The combination of these two ingredients works as a mild drain cleaner. The foaming action of this solution can push through any particles stuck in your drain.

Sign #4: Gurgling noises in clogged kitchen sink

Sign #4 - Gurgling noises in clogged kitchen sink

When your sink makes a gurgling noise, it often indicates that you have a clogged drain. The water has difficulty passing through the pipes and past the clog as you turn on the tap. Air sitting below the blockage bubbles up through the water, making gurgling sounds. If your sink produces these noises, the clog is only partially blocking the pipes. Water can still drain through them, only at a much slower rate than usual.

When you hear gurgling noises in a clogged kitchen sink drain, inspect your p-trap. The p-trap is a curved section of pipe located below your sink, which can catch any foreign objects down your drain. Place a bucket below the p-trap to catch any water and carefully unfasten it from the drainpipe. Remove anything that may be causing the clog and then reattach it.

Even if your p-trap is clean, you might still experience the symptoms of a clogged drain. A possible solution is the plumber’s snake. Also known as an auger, the device helps break up a clog and clear out your pipes. Using this tool can be tricky, so contact a plumber to help you fix the clogged kitchen sink.